Rules & Regulations

For the House

  • No weapons of any kind (firearms need to be in a safe patient keeps password and be handled to the program Coordinator till when the patient is being discharged).
  • Keep provided appliances, furniture, fixtures, and other items sanitary and safe.
  • Use the premises only for residential purposes.
  • No illegal activities may occur on the premises.
  • Perform personal chores, such as cooking and cleaning regularly.
  • Driveway and Backyard needs to be cleaned by the patients who lives in the premises all the time.
  • Pets of any kind are not allowed at all.
  • Do not deface or damage community property or shared spaces.
  • Do not disturb other residents.
  • Abide by curfews and sign in and out. Sleeping in the house is advised and encouraged. Text or call the Program coordinator if it happens that you pass your night outside of your Home.
  • Attend the required number of support group meetings, either on or off the premises.
  • Attend therapy sessions for addiction and/or mental health.
  • Attend program meetings.
  • Maintain employment, attend school, or attend job retraining programs.
  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • Do not consume mind-altering substances.
  • Participate in drug screenings.
  • Be accountable when off the premises.
  • Any concern needs to be reported to the House manager or the program Coordinator.
  • Signing sheet are both mandatory.
  • No aggressivity, No cursing, No use of profanity of any kind in the premises towards the staff or other patients.
  • Bathrooms needs to be cleaned more than 2 a day.

No Drugs or Alcohol

In a sober living house, there is zero-tolerance against drug and alcohol use. As the house is supposed to be a safe place, that’s why drug use and abuse temptation are not allowed on the premises. Some may get exceptions may for specific prescriptions, but that too on the advice of a registered medical practitioner.

Drug Testing

To ensure you remain sober and on the right track, the authority will ask you to submit random alcohol or drug tests. If any resident gets caught in violation of drug testing, he may get out of the house or given a warning. The housing facility will determine how often you should take a test based on your medical history.

House Meeting

The residents living in sober houses are accountable for their whereabouts, and they are supposed to attend regular house meetings. A weekly house meeting provides a place for everyone to check in and work through grievances, solve conflicts with people you live with, and maintain a communal living space through communication.


As the purpose of the sober house is to take you back to mainstream life, it’s their responsibility to provide you such an environment and safe place to live where there is no temptation for drugs. For living in a sober house, it is essential to be in your room, especially at nighttime and weekend.

Residents at sober houses must adhere to the curfew as it can keep them away from alcohol or drug temptation. This rule may change under certain conditions if the resident commits work or school.


Sober houses are communal spaces, and they run a little like a family house. The cleaning of communal areas is generally up to the residents. Except for cleaning, the resident must have to participate in other household chores as well on a rotating basis. The rules for sober living homes will typically include a rotating schedule of house chores.

Sleep Week Cycle

An addiction can seriously harm your ability to get early to bed and early to rise. Part of staying sober means you are following the sleeping schedule or “quiet hours” policy, where you have to lower your light and keep your voice down.

Bottom Line

After completing drugs or alcohol abuse treatment, returning to a normal, house environment can be overwhelming. It often results in dealing again with the people associated with the addiction.

Dream Land Counseling provides excellent resources for those who are interested in an intermediary step between the rehab and returning house to attempt outpatient aftercare support treatment service. With the rules and regulations mentioned above, we ensure every resident enjoys a peaceful and respectful living environment. These rules for sober and Counseling House are also useful to remind the resident of the importance of a balanced life and staying sober.

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